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Baking your own almond flour bread

Bread is a staple of most diets. If you give up bread, you may end up craving for it or missing lots of your favorite foods. But the grains used in breads may not be beneficial for you. Wheat especially contains gluten. This is the protein that allows the dough to rise and gives a chewy texture to the bread. It also adds needless fats to your body. Many people are also gluten intolerant. You may buy wheat free flour from the supermarket. Most often they contain brown rice. This is gluten free, but it often comes with high carb content.

A tasty alternative is to make your own bread from almond flour. As the name implies, this flour is made from almonds. You can buy the flour from retail stores or you can make your own flour by grinding almonds in a coffee grinder. Be sure to store the excess flour in Mason jar or airtight containers in the refrigerator.

The recipe for yummy almond flour bread is as follows:


  1. Almond flour = 3 cups

  2. Arrowroot powder = 1.5 cup

  3. Baking soda = 1 tsp

  4. Salt = 1 tsp

  5. Eggs = 8

  6. Honey = 1 tsp

  7. Coconut milk = 1 cup


  1. Combine the almond flour, arrowroot powder, salt and baking soda in a mixing bowl and mix well.

  2. Break the eggs in another bowl and beat them well. Gradually add the honey and the coconut milk. Stir them till they develop a consistent texture.

  3. Mix the contents of both the bowls to get a mixture of consistent texture.

  4. Put this mixture in a greased loaf pan.

  5. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

  6. Bake the bread for 30 to 40 minutes. Check by inserting a toothpick. If it comes out clean, the bread is done.

The above recipe is simple and quick and you will get delicious gluten free bread from it. However, here are a few things to remember:

  • Choose your almond flour carefully. You should choose the finest variety of almond flour for making bread. Check the label to make sure it says blanched. This means all the shell has been removed. Instead, if you get almond meal where the whole almond is grated, your bread will end up with a distinct nutty flavor.

  • Be careful while measuring the almond flour because often the perception is skewed. It is best to use kitchen scales.

  • If you want to substitute wheat flour with almond flour, then you should know that 1 cup of wheat flour is not equal to 1 cup of almond flour. Either find out the exact ratio or switch to another recipe.

  • There are different varieties of the flour. Decide on your recipe first and then buy the flour.

  • If you are making almond flour at home to bake the bread, do not grind too much or else you will end up with almond butter.